Your Apps Think You Deserve a Raise!!

Join The Movement
We’re building an ad platform to make monetization more efficient, more transparent, and (of course) more profitable. Join the discussion in our forum.

Become a Founding Member and get these benefits

FREE100% revenue split in beta
10%better revenue split when live

Monetize Your Apps Efficiently

Deliver Remarkably Relevant™ Ads in your applications with one easy to integrate SDK using our Enhanced Real-Time Bidding Platform with Location 2.0™ Technology. Our passion for building a great product is only rivaled by our excitement to see it in action – because we’re developers and we feel your pain!

The AdAbouts suite will deliver more relevant ads and more revenue with less drain on your most precious resource: TIME.

We Want You! Join Our Forum

We’re working hard to release a prototype in April and we want your input! So we've created a forum to share ideas and get your thoughts. Please join us and help us build a community around this release as a Founding Member. Let us hear from you!

Join the conversation -


Our mission is to disrupt mobile advertising with Location 2.0™ and Location State™ technology while providing a transparent and efficient solution for developers and advertisers of all sizes. AdAbouts provides Remarkably Relevant™ ads to the right people at the right place at the right time.